Care Sheet - Hercules Rhinoceros Beetle (Dynastes hercules)

Written by: Richard’s Inverts

An adult male Hercules Rhinoceros Beetle (Dynastes hercules ssp. hercules)

Common Name: Hercules Rhinoceros Beetle
Scientific Name: Dynastes hercules
Distribution: North and South America

[Dynastes] named after the son of Heracles and Erato from Greek mythology
[hercules] named after the Roman god of strength

World Record Size:
Wild – ### mm
Captive Breeding – 182.8 mm (2022)

Egg to adult: 12-36 months
Adult lifespan: 12 months
Pupal stage duration: 2-3 months
Maturation time of fresh adults:
2 months

Egg incubation duration: 1 month
Rearing temperature: Room temperature (18-25°C)

Distribution data of extant Dynastes hercules subspecies:

  1. Dynastes hercules ssp. hercules – Guadeloupe Island

  2. Dynastes hercules ssp. bluezeni – Venezuela

  3. Dynastes hercules ssp. ecuatorianus – Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru

  4. Dynastes hercules ssp. lichyi – Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela

  5. Dynastes hercules ssp. morishimai – Bolivia

  6. Dynastes hercules ssp. occidentalis – Colombia, Ecuador, Panama

  7. Dynastes hercules ssp. paschoali – Brazil

  8. Dynastes hercules ssp. reidi – Saint Lucia

  9. Dynastes hercules ssp. septentrionalis – Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama

  10. Dynastes hercules ssp. takakuwai – Brazil

  11. Dynastes hercules ssp. trinidadensis – Trinidad and Tobago

  12. Dynastes hercules ssp. tutlaensis – Mexico

An mating adult pair of Hercules Rhinoceros Beetles (Dynastes hercules ssp. hercules)

Species Description:

The Hercules Rhino Beetle, (Dynastes hercules) is the largest beetle in the where the current world record specimen has been measured at just over 180 mm in length. Hercules Rhino Beetles are undoubtedly the most popular and most sought after species by hobbyists due to its great size and its “wow-factor”. Dynastes hercules is a stunningly large beetle with yellow, spotted elytra (wings) and long, impressive horns which they use to fight other males in order to secure mating rights with females.

The Hercules Rhino Beetle has a very wide distribution around Central America and South America, and there are currently 12 different geographically isolated subspecies which all have regional differences such as overall body size, horn shape, and elytra colour (wings). I have listed the 12 different subspecies along with their distribution below.

A group of L2 and L3 larvae of the Hercules Rhinoceros Beetle (Dynastes hercules)

Breeding Dynastes hercules:

How to make a breeding box:

  1. Prepare a 50 L box and fill it 70% full with substrate.

  2. Compress the substrate down as hard as you can (use your hands to press it from above).

  3. Lightly fill up to 70% of the container again with substrate.

  4. Place perches on the surface so that the adult beetles can right themselves up if they accidentally flip over.

  5. Place fruits (or beetle jellies) on the surface as well.

Once the breeding box has been completed, place both the male and female Dynastes hercules together in the breeding box. Leave them together for 7-10 days to ensure that they mate properly. Afterwards, the male can be taken out and kept separately if you wish.

If the male is seen attacking the female, it is a likely sign that they are not sexually mature yet. When this hapens, keep them separately in their own enclosures for a few weeks before attempting again.

How to check for eggs/larvae:

The breeding box can be checked for any eggs and larvae 1 month after the female has been introduced into the breeding box. Find a large box and empty out the substrate from the breeding box into it by flipping it over. Carefully break apart and work through the substrate in order to find the eggs and larvae. They are soft and fragile, so please take care to handle them gently when moving the eggs and larvae.

Raising the larvae:

Larvae should ideally be separated and reared individually to prevent the larvae from getting stressed out by each other (and to prevent any risk of cannibalism in more aggressive species). Communal rearing is possible, provided that plenty of space and substrate is given. Dynastes hercules can be reared on either wood/flake soil. At the L3 stage, the larvae should be kept in a container that is a minimum of 5000 ml in size.

Pupal stage:

From the moment onwards after the larva constructs a pupal cell, it is important to keep disturbance to a minimum. Please refrain from unnecessarily picking the container up or shaking it. Their pupal period is about 1 month, after which they emerge into an adult beetle.

Photo Gallery:


How to Make Homemade Beetle Jelly


Care Sheet - Neptune Rhinoceros Beetle (Dynastes neptunus)